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Trump Calls for Impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib Over Silence on Hamas Terrorism

Former President Donald Trump has called for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over her refusal to condemn Hamas terrorism.

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Trump made the call in an interview with Fox News Radio's Brian Kilmeade on Thursday, August 4, 2023.

"Rashida Tlaib is a disgrace," Trump said. "She's a traitor. She should be impeached."

Trump accused Tlaib of being a "terrorist sympathizer" and said that she "supports the killing of innocent Jews."

Trump's comments come after Tlaib was criticized for her response to a question about Hamas during a recent interview with CNN. When asked if she condemned Hamas's rocket attacks on Israel, Tlaib said that she condemned "all violence," but she did not specifically mention Hamas.

Tlaib has been a vocal critic of Israel and has defended Hamas in the past. She has called for a boycott of Israel and has said that she believes that Hamas is a legitimate resistance movement.

Tlaib's supporters have defended her right to criticize Israel and have accused Trump of trying to silence her. They have also pointed out that Tlaib has condemned violence in the past, including violence committed by Hamas.

However, Trump's supporters have defended his comments and have accused Tlaib of being sympathetic to terrorism. They have also said that Tlaib's refusal to condemn Hamas's rocket attacks on Israel is a betrayal of the United States and its allies.

It is unclear whether Trump's calls for Tlaib's impeachment will gain any traction. However, his comments have further inflamed tensions between the Republican and Democratic parties.

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