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Trump Calls to Ban US Entry for Immigrants Wanting to Abolish Israel

Former President Donald Trump called for a ban on immigration to the United States by people who want to abolish Israel. He made the remarks during a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday.

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Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the Florida Freedom Summit at the Gaylord Palms Resort on November 04, 2023 in Kissimmee, Florida. The Republican Party of Florida hosted the summit as candidates continue to campaign across the country. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

"We cannot allow people who want to destroy Israel to come into our country," Trump said. "We have to protect our allies, and Israel is one of our most important allies."

Trump's remarks were met with applause from the audience. The Republican Jewish Coalition is a pro-Israel organization that supports conservative causes. Trump has been a strong supporter of Israel throughout his career.

The call to ban immigration by people who want to abolish Israel is likely to be controversial. Some people will argue that it is discriminatory and violates the First Amendment's right to freedom of speech. Others will argue that it is necessary to protect Israel's security.

It is not clear how Trump would implement such a ban. He did not say how he would determine whether someone wants to abolish Israel. It is also unclear whether he would try to ban people who simply express support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which is a Palestinian-led campaign to pressure Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The BDS movement is controversial in the United States. Some people see it as a legitimate form of protest, while others see it as an anti-Semitic campaign to delegitimize Israel.

It is also worth noting that Trump's call to ban immigration by people who want to abolish Israel is not new. He made similar remarks during his presidency. In 2017, he said that he would "strongly consider" banning people who support BDS from entering the United States.

However, Trump never actually implemented such a ban. It is possible that he would be more successful in implementing a ban if he were to become president again.

The call to ban immigration by people who want to abolish Israel is likely to have a significant impact on the debate over Israel and Palestine. It is a reminder of the deep divisions that exist on this issue.

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