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Media Practically Declares Trump the GOP Nominee, Dismissing His Rivals

The media is already treating former President Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, even though he has not yet officially announced his candidacy.

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to a crowd during a campaign rally on September 25, 2023, in Summerville, South Carolina. (Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

This is evident in a number of ways, including:

  • The media is covering Trump's rallies and speeches as if he is already the nominee. For example, Fox News recently broadcast Trump's rally in Ohio live, and CNN gave Trump's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) extensive coverage.
  • The media is interviewing Trump's potential rivals as if they are already out of the race. For example, CNN recently interviewed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a potential Republican presidential candidate, and asked him about his chances of beating Trump in the primaries.
  • Media personalities are saying that Trump is the clear frontrunner for the GOP nomination and that he is likely to win the nomination if he decides to run. For example, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough recently said that "Trump is the only Republican who can win the nomination."

There are a number of reasons for this. First, Trump is by far the most popular figure in the Republican Party. A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that 67% of Republicans have a favorable view of Trump, while only 33% have an unfavorable view.

Second, Trump has a large and enthusiastic base of support among Republican voters. This base of support is likely to turn out and vote for Trump in the Republican primaries, even if he faces multiple opponents.

Third, Trump is a very effective fundraiser. He has already raised millions of dollars for a potential 2024 run, and he is likely to be able to raise much more if he decides to run.

Fourth, the Republican Party is currently very divided. There is no clear consensus among Republicans about who should be their nominee in 2024. This division makes it difficult for any one candidate to emerge as the clear frontrunner, other than Trump.

The fact that the media is already treating Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee has a number of implications. First, it gives Trump a significant advantage over his potential rivals. The media coverage he is receiving will help him to raise money, build support, and get his message out to voters.

Second, it could make it more difficult for other Republicans to challenge Trump for the nomination. If Republicans believe that Trump is already the nominee, they may be less likely to run against him.

Third, it could further divide the Republican Party. Some Republicans may be upset that the media is already treating Trump as the nominee, even though he has not yet officially announced his candidacy. This could lead to more infighting within the party.

Overall, the fact that the media is already treating Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee is a significant development. It gives Trump a significant advantage over his potential rivals, and it could have a number of implications for the Republican Party as a whole.

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