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Trump Faces Off in Court with Cohen as Ex-Lawyer Testifies Against Him in Trump Organization Civil Trial

Former President Donald Trump faced off in court on Wednesday with his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who testified against him in the Trump Organization's civil fraud trial. Cohen accused Trump of directing him to lie to Congress about the value of Trump's assets, and he also described how Trump would inflate the value of his assets to obtain bank loans and insurance coverage.

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Michael Cohen said he did not want to see former President Donald Trump handcuffed or "paraded" out of respect for the "institution of the presidency." (AP)

Trump denied Cohen's allegations, calling him a "disgraced liar" and a "rat." He also accused Cohen of cooperating with prosecutors in order to get out of prison early.

Cohen's testimony is a major blow to Trump, who has denied any wrongdoing in the Trump Organization case. If the jury finds that the Trump Organization committed fraud, it could face billions of dollars in fines and penalties.


Cohen's testimony is credible and detailed, and it is likely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the trial. Cohen is a former insider who has firsthand knowledge of Trump's business practices. His testimony is corroborated by other evidence, such as emails and financial documents.

Trump's defense attorneys have tried to discredit Cohen by attacking his character and credibility. However, Cohen has been consistent in his allegations against Trump, both in his testimony and in his book.

The jury is likely to weigh Cohen's testimony carefully. If they find him to be credible, it is likely to tip the scales against Trump in the trial.

If the Trump Organization is found guilty of fraud, it could have a number of implications for Trump. First, it could damage his reputation and make it more difficult for him to raise money for future political campaigns. Second, it could lead to civil lawsuits from investors and other parties who were harmed by the fraud. Third, it could even lead to criminal charges against Trump, although this is less likely.

The outcome of the trial could also have implications for the Republican Party. If Trump is found guilty, it could further damage the party's reputation and make it more difficult for Republicans to win elections.

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