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House Oversight Committee Chairman Accuses DOJ of Obstructing Hunter Biden Probe

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of obstructing the GOP's investigation into Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings and President Biden's alleged involvement.

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President Biden and Hunter Biden

Comer's accusations come after the DOJ sent a letter to Devon Archer, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, requesting that he report to prison days before his scheduled testimony before the House Oversight Committee. Archer was sentenced to one year in prison in February 2022 for defrauding a Native American tribe. He lost an appeal in June to have his sentence overturned.

Comer believes that the timing of the DOJ's letter is "odd" and that it could be an attempt to intimidate Archer from testifying. He also pointed to the fact that the DOJ has not yet released transcripts of interviews with witnesses who have already testified before the House Oversight Committee.

"The timing of this letter is suspect, and it raises serious questions about whether the Department of Justice is trying to obstruct our investigation," Comer said in a statement. "We will not be intimidated by these tactics, and we will continue to pursue the truth about Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings."

The DOJ has not commented on Comer's allegations. However, it is worth noting that the DOJ is an independent agency and is not under the control of the White House.

It is possible that the DOJ simply wanted to ensure that Archer would report to prison as ordered. However, Comer's allegations raise the possibility that the DOJ is trying to interfere with Archer's testimony.

It is important to note that Archer has not been charged with any crimes related to Hunter Biden. However, his testimony could shed light on Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China.

Comer has said that he wants Archer to testify about "any and all information he has about Hunter Biden's business dealings." He has also said that he wants Archer to testify about "any and all information he has about the Biden family's involvement in the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings."

Archer's testimony is scheduled to take place on July 31, 2023. It remains to be seen what Archer will say, but his testimony is sure to be closely watched.

Comer's accusations of DOJ obstruction have been met with mixed reactions. Some Republicans have echoed Comer's concerns, while Democrats have dismissed the accusations as politically motivated.

The DOJ has not yet responded to Comer's accusations. It remains to be seen whether the DOJ will take any action to address Comer's concerns.

In the meantime, the GOP's investigation into Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings continues. It remains to be seen whether the investigation will uncover any wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or President Biden.


The accusations of DOJ obstruction by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer are serious and have the potential to derail the GOP's investigation into Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. It remains to be seen whether the DOJ will take any action to address Comer's concerns, but the accusations have already cast a shadow over the investigation.

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