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House GOP Members Seek to Expel Gaetz Amid Renewed Threat to Vacate House Speaker McCarthy

A group of House GOP members are seeking to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) from Congress, in response to his renewed threat to file a motion to vacate against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

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Rep. Matt Gaetz says he'll pursue a motion to vacate House Speaker McCarthy. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP | Al Drago/Bloomberg)

The move comes after Gaetz threatened to file the motion if McCarthy ever reached across the aisle to pass a continuing resolution. Gaetz has repeatedly pushed for GOP leadership to pass the 12 appropriation bills necessary to fund the government long term, even if it meant leading the country to a government shutdown.

The group of House GOP members seeking to expel Gaetz argue that his actions are harmful to the Republican Party and that he has no place in Congress. They point to his repeated threats against McCarthy, his support for former President Donald Trump, and his past scandals as evidence that he is unfit to serve.

"Matt Gaetz is a cancer on the Republican Party," said one House GOP member who is part of the effort to expel him. "He is more interested in causing chaos and division than in governing. He has no place in Congress."

It is unclear whether the group of House GOP members will be successful in expelling Gaetz. However, their move is a sign of the growing rift within the Republican Party and the deep divisions between Gaetz and other members of the House GOP leadership.

Implications for the Republican Party

The move to expel Gaetz is the latest sign of the deep divisions within the Republican Party. Gaetz is a vocal supporter of Trump and his brand of populist politics, while McCarthy is seen as a more traditional Republican.

If Gaetz is expelled from Congress, it would be a major victory for the establishment wing of the Republican Party. However, it would also likely lead to further infighting within the party, as Trump and his supporters would likely view it as an attack on them.

The Future of Gaetz's Political Career

If Gaetz is expelled from Congress, it would mark a major setback in his political career. However, he could still potentially run for office again in the future.

Gaetz is a popular figure among Trump supporters, and he has a strong following on social media. He could potentially use this support to launch a successful campaign for another political office, such as governor or senator.

However, Gaetz is also facing a number of legal challenges. He is being investigated by the Justice Department for alleged sex trafficking and obstruction of justice. If he is indicted on these charges, it would likely end his political career.

Only time will tell what the future holds for Matt Gaetz. However, one thing is for sure: he is a controversial figure who is likely to remain in the spotlight for some time to come.

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