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Pro-Trump Conservatives Rail Against Matt Gaetz Over Push to Oust McCarthy

Pro-Trump conservatives are railing against Representative Matt Gaetz over his push to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz has been a vocal critic of McCarthy, and has called for him to be removed as Speaker.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz speaks to reporters on the steps of the Capitol on Monday. (AP Photo / Mark Schiefelbein)

Gaetz's criticism of McCarthy has been met with mixed reactions from pro-Trump conservatives, with some supporting his call for McCarthy's resignation and others opposing it.

Those who support Gaetz's call for McCarthy's resignation argue that McCarthy is not a strong enough leader and that he is not doing enough to fight for Trump's agenda. They also point to McCarthy's perceived closeness to the establishment wing of the Republican Party.

"McCarthy is a weak leader who has failed to stand up for Trump's agenda," said one pro-Trump activist. "He is more interested in pleasing the establishment than in fighting for the American people."

Those who oppose Gaetz's call for McCarthy's resignation argue that it would be a self-destructive move for the Republican Party. They also argue that McCarthy is a skilled politician who is well-positioned to lead the Republican Party in the 2024 elections.

"Ousting McCarthy would be a disaster for the Republican Party," said one Republican strategist. "He is the best chance we have of winning back the House in 2024."

The debate over McCarthy's future as Speaker comes at a time when the Republican Party is deeply divided. The party is still grappling with the aftermath of the January 6th attack on the Capitol, and there is a growing divide between the party's establishment wing and its populist wing.

It is unclear whether Gaetz's push to oust McCarthy will be successful. However, it is clear that his efforts are a sign of the deep divisions within the Republican Party.

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