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Trump Blasts 'Corrupt' NY AG James for Keeping Him Off Campaign Trail at Fraud Trial

After leaving a Lower Manhattan court on Wednesday, the third day of his civil fraud trial, former President Donald Trump attacked New York Attorney General Letitia James, calling her "corrupt" and accusing her of keeping him busy with legal matters in order to prevent him from campaigning for President.

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New York Attorney General Letitia James and former President Donald Trump. (Getty Images)

"I'm here, stuck here, and I can't campaign. I'd rather be right now in Iowa. I'd rather be in New Hampshire or South Carolina or Ohio or a lot of other places. But I'm stuck here because I have a corrupt attorney general that communicates with the DOJ in Washington to keep me nice and busy, because I'm leading Biden in the polls by a lot," Trump said.

James has been investigating Trump for a number of alleged financial crimes, including fraud and money laundering. These investigations are ongoing, and Trump has not been charged with any crimes.

James has responded to Trump's attacks, saying that she is simply doing her job and that she will not be intimidated.

"I'm not going to be bullied by Donald Trump," James said. "I'm the attorney general of New York, and I'm going to continue to do my job."

Trump's attacks on James are part of a larger pattern of attacks against his political opponents.

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