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Liberal Columnist Warns of Double Standards in Trump's Civil Fraud Case

In a surprising move, liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus has expressed concern that former President Donald Trump is being treated more harshly in his New York civil fraud case than anyone else would be.

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A court sketch depicts former President Donald Trump's court appearance in New York on Tuesday. (Christine Cornell)

In a recent column, Marcus notes that the judge presiding over the case, Arthur Engoron, has a history of donating to Democratic candidates. She also points out that Engoron has made a number of rulings that have been favorable to the plaintiffs in the case.

Marcus concludes her column by saying that she is worried that Trump is being treated unfairly, and that this could undermine public confidence in the rule of law.

It is important to note that Marcus is not defending Trump's actions. She has been critical of Trump in the past, and she has said that she believes he is guilty of the charges against him.

However, Marcus is concerned that the way in which Trump is being treated in this case could set a dangerous precedent. She worries that if Trump is not given a fair trial, it could undermine public confidence in the rule of law.

Marcus is not alone in her concerns. A number of other legal experts have also expressed concern about the way in which the case is being handled.

Potential consequences of double standards in the criminal justice system

Double standards in the criminal justice system can have a number of negative consequences. First, they can erode public confidence in the rule of law. When people believe that the justice system is unfair, they are less likely to trust it and to comply with its laws.

Second, double standards can lead to unjust outcomes. When people are treated differently based on their race, ethnicity, social class, or political beliefs, they are more likely to be convicted of crimes and to receive harsher sentences.

Third, double standards can perpetuate discrimination and inequality. When the criminal justice system is unfair, it reinforces existing social hierarchies and makes it more difficult for marginalized groups to achieve justice.

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